Since it is non-resistance, it is always victorious.»
The specificity of Aikido, as a martial art, is it does not aim to destroy the opponent, but to project him or immobilize him without damage, using the energy he put in his attack.
The practice
Aikido is a personal research where the partner (Aite) is essential to progress. He must be both sincere (in the attack) and caring (in the study).
Aikidokas practice bare hands or using weapons (bokken, jo, tanto), in tachi or suwari waza, against one or many opponents.
- not to flee,
- face the assailant before move and dodge.
This traditional practice is well adapted to our modern life by helping us to resolve conflicts without violence.
Why practice Aikido?
The non violence spirit that define Aikido, allow aikidokas to acquire moral values and knowledge of his own physical capacity, leading to self control.
The techniques are using flexibility and the energy that the opponent puts into his attack rather than the physical strength.
Aikidokas learn a set of principles and attitudes that may help them to solve conflict quietly and peacefully.
Thanks to all his techniques, Aikido help practitioners to have a better knowledge of themselves as well as a better adaptability, and then be able to face stressful situations.
- physically: reflexes, flexibility, coordination and tone,
- mentally: focus, sense of space and danger
- morally:respect each other, humility and joy.
Accessible to everyone, Aikido provide self control and an harmonious body development.
Aikido and children
Aikido is a martial art that can be practiced by children from 6 years old.
That’s why our club have a one hour class on Saturday morning, at Cevennes’ gymnasium, where the teaching is more adapted for them.
- self’ respect,
- others’ respect,
- rules’ respect,
- dojo’s respect.
Young people may and will found their place in our club.
The development of the attention that is central to the practice, gradually lead them to realize their abilities and potential.
They work their postural attitude, self-control, their place in space and the coordination of their movements.
This way teaches them the sincerity of the action, the sense of effort.
They are getting aware to their own sensibility.